A financial institutions trying to provide loan to clients with no credit history but unable to do so because he cannot get proper risk assessment. So how can we help banks have a proper risk assessment platform to extend loans to clients with no credit history?


A bank trying to authenticate clients on digital channels but needs to comply with regulations because it poses a risk to clients’ identity. So what can we do to authenticate clients digitally while reducing reliance on his physical attendance?


A bank trying to provide deposits in other accounts through the ATM but an anonymous cash deposit is an AML concern. So what can we do to allow deposits without physically seeing the depositor through a secure process?


A service provider trying to connect with banks but the process is very long because there is no standard way of integrating. So what can we do to help this service provider connect with banks smoothly and facilitate industry stradardisation?


A bank trying to provide better services to his clients but customers’ information and documents need to be updated regularly because current regulations mandate this. So what can we do to update customers’ information and documents without requiring the customers’ physical attendance?


A bank trying to store transaction data in a secure, and cheap way but there is a risk of data leakage because of IP issues. So what can we do to help banks enhance data storage and prevent cybersecurity threats?


A bank trying to serve remote customers but cannot guarantee the quality of KYC done by other agents. So what can we do to ensure quality of KYC done by other agents?


Financial Institution seeks to reduce its operating costs and improve employee productivity by providing customer service employees with quick and personalized responses. So how might we digitize the financial advisory process so that the customer no longer needs to meet their financial advisory representatives face to face?


Financial Institutions seek to improve their customers' satisfaction without their physical attendance. So how can we facilitate the use of automation for financial advisors to assess customers’ needs and satisfaction levels based on standardised questionnaires?


Consumers lose track because of thousands of marketing mails received by financial institutions, which make them lose sight of important mails. So how can we help customers differentiate between marketing mails and mail calling for action?


How can financial institutions create standardized reports to regulators through a common data repository?


How can we develop a platform to aggregate and exchange data between industry stakeholders in a securely and highly encrypted way?

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